Pyrex and Corelle Links

Another Pyrex website with LOTS of great information on it:

If you are looking for the manufacturer of Pyrex, it is now made by World Kitchen. They can be found at

Links to many different cookware manufacturers can be found at Fante's Kitchen Wares Shop.

Here are some suggested links to places to find Pyrex and Corelle items on the Web. While it is by no means a complete listing of everything out there (the list is expanding constantly), these are the ones I have found so far:

Robbins Nest has Pyrex and Corelle items, plus other vintage items:

If you're looking for Corelle Dinnerware, check out:
Microwave Cooking For One

Or check eBay Auction:
eBay auction
That's where I look.

eBay seller kj4kicks has Corelle and Pyrex items:
auctions store Classic Kitchens and More

If you're looking for Corelle patterns, you can try one of these:
Microwave Cooking for One by Marie T Smith
A superb, comprehensive guide to Corelle patterns and other microwave-safe dinnerware.
LKH Collectibles
Replacements Ltd
Up1Tree's Crazy Daisy site!
The official Corelle website.
Good information on current patterns, but the archive needs work. Microwave Cooking for One is a better source of information on discontinued patterns.

100 years of design: Corning Pyrex Bakeware offers a brief look at the history of Pyrex:
100 Years of Design

If you know of other links that should be here, and I'll put them up.


