Cat Mugs

Sandra Boynton's most favored critter is that CAT. That smiling, loving, glowering, sleeping CAT that appears on the majority of her mugs and just about everything else. A versatile and expert performer - a real star!

He/She goes by many different names: Cleo, Max, Claude, Skitter, Chloe, Maude... and probably others. Cats have always been hard to pin down.

The mugs are here in alphabetical order. Sort of. They're actually arranged in the order they show in my database. Usually, that's alphabetical order by the quote on the mug, or my brief description of what's on the mug. If you think some of them are out of order, they probably are.

You can start browsing with the first page and just page through, or select by the groupings below. Have fun!

  • A-B
  • Ca
  • Ca-D
  • E-G
  • H-Hap
  • Hav-Ho
  • I
  • J-K
  • L-Mer
  • Mm-N
  • P-S
  • T
  • U-Y

  • Main


    Sandra Boynton
