Hippo General Occasion Cards

Cards for those occasions when you just want to, well, send a card. With Sandra Boynton, you could always send a smile, too.
Not to mention a hippo.

The inside of the card will show when you place your mouse over a card. The card line (series) and the date of the card (actually, the copyright date) is shown below the card.
NOTE: You MUST have javascript enabled to see the inside of the card!

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Animal Farm (1977)

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You are you, and I am I. We are alone, together. And if the I that is I is not in harmony with the you that is you, then the we that is us will become the them that was, or were.
Kulture Kards (1978)
Animal Farm (1978)

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Kulture Kards (1979)

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Kulture Kards (1979) Kulture Kards (1979) Animal Farm (1979)

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Animal Farm (1980) Animal Farm (1980)

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Food For Thought (1981)
The "Food for Thought" line came both with and without the "bite" (sign of good taste) Or at least some of them did.
Food For Thought (1981)

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Food For Thought (1981) Food For Thought (1981) Kulture Kards (1981)
Calligraphy by Sharon Morgio

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Certainly there is more to life than dessert.
Food For Thought (1982)
Animal Farm (1982)

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Animal Farm (1982) Animal Farm (1982) Animal Farm (1982)

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I know that I'm probably not everything you've always dreamed of.
Food For Thought (1982)
I want to confess to you my most secret, fond, and wildly optimistic dream:
Animal Farm (1982)
In the interest of better nutrition, I've decided to become completely herbivorous.
Food For Thought (1982)

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It used to be that whenever I felt a little gloomy, I would eat, whether I was hungry or not. I finally realized that no amount of dieting would ever make a significant difference unless I changed my behavior pattern. So I started eating only when I was happy.
Food For Thought (1982)
Just For You
A recipe for an extraordinary chocolate dessert
(This recipe is actually fantastic! If you'd like the recipe, email me!)
Food For Thought (1982)
Recipe by Lora Brody
Animal Farm (1982)

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To prove how much I care, I would give up ice cream for a whole year.
Food For Thought (1982)
Food For Thought (1982) Food For Thought (1982)

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You are like a symphony.
Kulture Kards (1982)

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Sandra Boynton

